We’re an invite only community of Indie Makers

A friendly hub for indie makers to connect, share their journeys, and celebrate progress together.

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Some benefits of the maker community

Community members

A friendly hub for indie makers to connect, share their journeys, and celebrate progress together!

Products by the community

Discover products created by talented makers, we currently have over 300 tools/products created by the community.

Interactive posts

Create text posts, images, polls and more.

Threaded comments

Detailed discussions with makers like you.

Maker profiles

A home for your products and posts.


Maker profiles to be proud of

A new home for your profile, products, posts and more.


A directory of more than 800 makers

Find, support and engage with some of the best makers in the game

Founder of IndieMaker.space, building small SaaS products in public. Living in the UK.
Founder of Product Hunt. Investor at Weekend Fund. Tinkering and building. 😄
Building uneed.best and polishot, and teaching development 🥐
Indie hacker. Developer. Designer. Building BrandBird.app ✸ Supermotion.co ✸ MagicPattern.design
Currently building an open source platform for business owners to be on top of their finance
Building Guideflow, the interactive demo platform for SaaS. Bootstraping SaaS. Sea addict 🌊
Web developer. Currently building wherecaniwatchthis.tv, having ideas for at least 13 other projects... 
Making Figarc – a floor plan designer for Figma.
Designer & Developer. I make getslideframe.com, collected.li and temper.one. I design fonts at jonastype.com.
Solopreneur on the Road to Freedom.Built 6 SaaS, sold 3 of them.https://shipped.club — Next.js Startup Kit https://www.solopreneurtofreedom.com — My newsletter
Frontend Developer • Building http://usemoji.app with #buildinpublic • Blogging on http://beratbozkurt.net • Shutterbug on http://unsplash.com/@beratbozkurt0
Built and sold 4 SaaS products in public. Building the 5th, Cap.so, an open-source Loom alternative.
I build things that I don't find on internet
🚀🚀 15yo enthusiast building : http://trytagu.com in public & https://skyring.framer.ai/ 🚀🚀
Designer, frontend developer and mentor. I design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do.
Redefining service ops www.cleeve.io · Status page advocate www.sorryapp.com
Ran a restaurant for 13yrs. Now I code.
Designer, Developer, Founder. I've been building things since 2008, some succeeded, many failed. Still working on new things.
Building Facet / The complete ebook life cycle in a single toolkit — from writing and publishing to selling, earning, reading, and ultimately sharing knowledge.
Independent app developer from Germany. Sharing my learnings about development, marketing and sales.

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